Saturday, January 31, 2004

[Ta Kung Pao]
Having always been a good girl, Fiona Yuen has recently shot a set of rather bold pictures for a newspaper, appearing totally naked apart from a guitar and this has caused a few startled responses from the audience as they wonder what has made this conservative lady change her image. To this, Fiona responds: "I don't actually like being sexy and I am not turning to a sexy image. The shoot was a suggestion from a reporter whom I know quite well who mentioned that a foreign pop star had done a similar shoot. When we agreed that this was something we could try, we gave it a go; although I don't mind, I would rather my boyfriend and my fans didn't see. (Has anyone mentioned to you before that you are sexy?) No, maybe they think I am not suited to it!"
In reality, during the seven years that Fiona has been in the industry, she has kept a good girl image and even rumours have been a rarity. However, as an artiste, this can be an obstacle as you get less press coverage for a start, especially with the waves of newcomers every year, if she has little noise then it is easy for the audience to forget her. Has she ever thought about having a breakthrough? Fiona says: "Of course, but I just hope that this breakthrough is in my performance, by playing my characters well or letting people see my improvement in the documentary side."
Fiona has her plans: after the popularity of the cookery and food programmes she has hosted, she is building on her own interest in cookery and will be writing a cookery related book. She will be personally researching and photographing the recipes, hoping to learn a lot along the way. However, in the light of the current market already being full of various cook books, I asked Fiona why she does not follow her own strengths and introduce jewellery design. Fiona says: "Of course I will not let go of jewellery line and I have already bought a lot of materials from Japan, when I have time I will work on the designs. However, Hong Kong people are too busy and I believe that they would rather just buy jewellery than make it themselves. After considering the balance, I think that cookery books will be more useful. Let's wait until after the cook books get a good response, then I will introduce jewellery design."
As Fiona's Chinese language ability is limited, she will be handing the editing over to an author friend. This is a good friend of Fiona's, who will be working for free, so Fiona will be paying for dinner when the book is published.
When Fiona was asked whether it is better for girls to be able to cook, she laughs: "Knowing how to cook is an advantage, but the women of today are too clever and don't necessarily have to go into the kitchen. (What is your best dish?) Western food, but I really want to learn how to make Chinese food, because it incorporates steaming, frying, boiling, braising and there are a lot of skills that will also be very interesting to learn." Fiona usually loves to make soup, often making Wai Sai Gei Ji Lean Pork Soup and adding Northern Almonds, Honey Dates and Preserved Peel to give the soup a sweet, delicious flavour. She endorses it strongly: "This is an economical and hearty soup, give it a try!"
Recently there have been many newcomers to the entertainment industry, is Fiona worried she will be overshadowed? She says: "I feel that with competition comes improvement and in the past few years, I have gained a level of notoriety with the viewers knowing that Fiona Yuen is a person who takes her work seriously. I don't think I will be moved over so easily." However, she admits that her progress has been rather stable in the past, mainly because she does not like fighting with other people for things. In fact, it is her friends who feel aggrieved for her, but she insists that as long as someone appreciates her, then she is already happy and even if she goes out to fight, she may not win. When asked if acting will become her lifelong career, she laughs: "Humans are always so conflicting, sometimes I will become tired and bored with performing too much, but after not acting for a while, I will have the itch to do it again. So even if I turn to another career, if there is a suitable script, then I will still be performing to fulfil the acting bug."
Let's hope she keeps to her word! After all, she is a talented artiste and if she does not act, it would be a great waste.

[Ta Kung Pao & Oriental Daily]
Kingdom Yuen, Louis Yuen and Yvonne Lam were filming in Wanchai yesterday for "Virtues of Harmony II" and a firm believer of Chinese fortune telling, Kingdom says that her sign is in conflict this year, so she is wearing a dragon pendant to keep her safe. Feng Shui master Mak Ling Ling has also suggested that she can avoid three crises by having a happy occasion such as buying a property, getting married or having a child. Kingdom laughs that she would like to do all three, so she doesn't know which one to choose. Afterwards, she laughs: "My top choice is probably to start a business, because I already have a restaurant that is currently in a trial run and should be opening in a couple of months. My luck all along as been quite good, so I may buy a property then or decorate my home."
With a suggestion she should get married and have a double happiness, she laughs: "Getting married is all about spur of the moment or having children. I do not have that intention just yet and I am afraid of having kids at my age. (Has your boyfriend proposed to you?) That's not fashionable nowadays, it's about discussion now, but I am very busy in the first half of the year, so we will have to wait until at least the middle of the year before we have time to discuss it."

[Ta Kung Pao, Oriental Daily & The Sun]
Dayo Wong and Ada Choi were filming for series "Stand-up Sleuth" on location in Tsimshatsui yesterday and as Ada is due to go out to Australia to make a film at the end of the month, they have been working hard to complete all her scenes. This means that Dayo has had to film for 36 hour slots and as he calls out with exhaustion, his tears are worth it for Ada.
With the filming nearly complete, Dayo is 'disappointed' he has not been linked with Ada in any rumours as he jokes: "I have tried to ask her out for a drink at the bar, but she didn't turn up. She is very secretive because she disappears five seconds after we finish work and even though I have declared my love for her on many occasions, I have failed each time. (You have a girlfriend though!) As long as she is fine with that then it is okay!" Dayo goes on to mention that Ada's sprouty teeth are very sexy.
Entering the new year, although Dayo has been carrying his lucky packets around with him, he has not given any of them out as he explains: "I thought about it for a long time at home and even went to the bank to get some change for the lucky packets, but I am afraid that if I give one out, then people will think I am trying to be the 'number one' and have people ask me why I am handing them out. So I decided to follow Ada, if she gives them out then so will I, but she turned out to be a miser and didn't give any out. If I am working again for TVB next year, I will hand them out then, even if I have to tighten my belt."
As for Ada who is constantly being teased by Dayo, she has never fought back as she says: "I am afraid I will hurt someone, now I have a son (her dog) I have to set a good example and be a gracious lady." Ada has to head back to Guangzhou today to complete her casual wear advertisement and she says she has prepared protective measures such as a mask and handwash. She will not be eating chicken because she can't let anything happen to her, for fear of facing Dayo's wrath! Also when asked if she will have medical insurance like Shirley Cheung's staff, Ada indicates that the sponsors will arrange this for her.>/a>

[Sing Pao & The Sun]
Liza Wang and Law Ka Ying took a trip over the new year with a group of twenty friends to Tokyo and Hokkaido to enjoy a snowy new year. For Ka Ying seeing the snow for the first time made him very excited as the couple spent nearly $100,000 on a shopping spree. However they felt it was worth it and he is now planning for next year's new year when he plans to take Liza on a cruise.
The couple spent eight days in Japan and when they returned to Hong Kong, Ka Ying said in a telephone interview: "This was the first time I had been to see the snowfields in my life and going on the motor sleighs with Liza was so sweet! Liza nearly slipped on the snow, but luckily I was there to hold her hand." Did you take the chance to propose to Liza? He laughs: "Of course not, the new year is the new year, I haven't thought about these things. However I did give a lucky packet to Liza, not a big one though!"
Ka Ying loves to eat sushi and he also recommends to go and try the local 'frost beef'. Although Liza does not eat beef, the seafood there was also very fresh, so the group all put on weight with all the food. As well as the gourmet food, of course Ka Ying enjoyed the Japanese hot springs and massage and even Liza was interested. When asked if the Japanese ladies were good, he laughs: "They were okay, they were actually older 'aunties'. Liza had a massage as well. You only live once and at my age you learn to enjoy life, so I will be working less and playing more in the future. We are planning to go on a cruise next year!"
Liza says: "The trip was organised by the Cantonese opera troup leader to go and watch a show and Ka Ying also wore a set of Japanese costume to appear on the stage, it was so funny! Afterwards, we went to feed the bears, they were really huge! (Did you have any funny stories?) The most embarrasing thing was at the hot spas because there were a lot of Hong Kong people there and it was quite embarrassing being naked in front of everyone."
Also, Liza went to try the local chicken dishes and when asked if she was afraid of bird flu, she replied: "At the time we didn't know how serious the situation was, but now we will be more careful. (You were wearing a mask?) I was afraid of the cold. It is very clean in Japan, so I am not afraid of catching anything." Finally, Liza says that with the iminent airing of her series "Blade Heart", she will be taking part in all the promotional activities.

[Apple Daily]
Frankie Lam and Kenix Kwok were spotted at the airport returning from America. Kenix indicated that they had been there to do a stage show and as Frankie pushed a trolley piled high with their goods, it seems like they have had a rewarding shopping spree. At first, Frankie seemed a little wary of the press, but raised a smile when they asked him for a photo.

[The Sun & Oriental Daily]
Undercover lovers Maggie Cheung and Samm Chan have been sighted holidaying romantically in Phuket, but Maggie still denied that she had been there when she returned to Hong Kong, even though all her luggage labels showed the flight details for Thailand.
Maggie and Samm had earlier announced their split, but there have been continuous rumours that they have still been dating in private to avoid any effect this may have on Maggie's career. Ordinarily, for Maggie to go on holiday with a friend is no big story, but a reader called in with information earlier that whilst on holiday in Phuket, they had spotted Maggie there with a man and the couple seemed quite close as they shared some happy times. The reports also came that Maggie would be returning on flight CX702 from Bangkok and after some research by the reporters, it was found that Maggie had booked four tickets for this flight, but in the end only two of the passengers had boarded - Maggie and Samm.
At around 10:33 pm, Maggie was supposedly to have returned to Hong Kong, but she only appeared at the airport at 11:15, pushing a trolley laden with her luggage and leaving with two friends. When she was asked by the press where she had returned from, she replied: "The mainland, I went for three days. (For leisure?) Half work, half leisure. (Stage show?) Yes." When it was mentioned to her that she had been seen in Phuket having fun with a male, she responded nervously: "Tokyo! With a few guys. (Tokyo?) Yes, I went to a few places - Tokyo and Shanghai included. (You didn't go to Phuket?) Yes. (Do we know these guys?) No. (From outside the industry?) Yes."
However, it could clearly be seen from Maggie's luggage labels that she had been travelling on CX702 from Bangkok. It appears she was lying and had forgotten to destroy the evidence, but no-one can understand why she needs to do this. After saying goodbye to her friends, Maggie left alone by taxi to return to her Sai Kung home. Boyfriend Samm Chan had not appeared at all, possibly sneaking away when the press spotted Maggie. On the telephone later, he said: "I was in Singapore over the new year with friends and did not go to Phuket. Who saw me in Phuket? (Did Maggie go to China or Phuket?) I don't really care where she went, if she said the mainland, then it was. In any case, I did not go."

[Oriental Daily & The Sun]
Sonija Kwok and Tiffany Lee were filming with Tats Lau for movie "Super Beauty Cops", where they play fighting girls. With her earlier performance in another action series, Sonija seemed quite relaxed as she struck a pose wearing her boiler suit, looking quite the part. Conversely, Tiffany seemed a little clumsy and was laughed at by the crew, but she says: "It doesn't matter! I have never filmed action shows and have never beem trained, so I will learn as I go along!" When it was mentioned she looked a little chubby, Tiffany protested: "No, it is just the costume and the angle. My face has always been a little chubby and I am a little bloated today."
Sonija reveals that she had three days off over the new year and took the chance to rest at home, so she has not been to visit Deric Wan's family. She smiles that his parents are very understanding of her work being tough and have not said anything. As for Deric's intentions to be baptised, Sonija says she does not know about this, but she is aware he will go to listen to the gospels before filming. When asked if she would be joining him, she says: "No! This is his personal decision. (Has he been telling you about the gospels?) Of course not, it would bore me to death!"
Friday, January 30, 2004

[Oriental Daily, Ta Kung Pao & The Sun]
TVB held its New Year blessing ceremony yesterday headed by Chairman of the board Sir Run Run Shaw who greeted all the staff on behalf of the company directors. Other senior executives present included Deputy Chief Executive Leung Nai Pang, Group Managing Director Ho Ding Kwan and Assistant Managing Director Chan Chi Wan. The show was hosted by Lily Lei and as well as a lion dance, there was a lucky draw, sideshow games and a buffet, all creating a happy atmosphere.
Talking of the outlook for TVB this year, Ho Ding Kwan was optimistic as he indicated that the advertising revenue for the year was not bad and pricing has been reviewed accordingly. Will there be a pay rise for the staff? Mr Ho indicates that he hopes so, but this will depend on the revenue reports. Although the economy has made a recovery, it is still just the beginning of the year and it is still too early to say. TVB's paid viewing service will be unveiled in full on Monday. In response to suggestions that the relative low profile of the launch has made rivals Cable breathe a sigh of relief, Mr Ho says that the paid television service is just beginning and Cable are one of their providers who have their own managing body.
As for TVB's paid service providing a hour of new drama, so that they do not run out of series to air on free to view and paid services, the company will be increasing its drama outputs from the current 560 hours to 780 hours, of which a hundred hours will be jointly produced with the Mainland TV stations. A further 120 hours will be bought in externally. When asked if TVB plans to introduce a 24 hour news service to rival Cable's news channel, Mr Ho says that there is no intention for this because there is currently not enough resources available.
Also, Mr Ho will be concentrating on affairs linking the company with the Mainland this year and he will be passing responsibility for the production resources department (ie Artiste division), legal department and the production department over to his colleague Chan Chi Wan, who will become the head of five departments, including his current reports of external affairs and scheduling. When Mr Chan was asked if he would be getting a pay rise, he says: "No, I am just learning!" As for the series "Medical Heroes", that will begin pre-production next week, will this be replacing "Healing Hands III"? Mr Chan denies this, insisting that "Healing Hands III" will definitely be filmed. As for whether Lawrence Ng will be appearing in it, he says that Lawrence has a good working relationship with TVB and if there is a suitable part, then he will be made an offer. "Medical Heroes" will be filming on location in East Africa and it should all be very safe as it is being developed as a tourist region.
In addition, after various reports that Hong Kong's artistes have a poor psychological support and a call from film director Cheung Kin Ting to include a psychological development element in the training of new actors, Mr Chan reveals that he will be taking part in the tutoring of the artistes classes, where they will be introducing a psychology course and he welcomes Director Cheung to come and assist with the teaching. He also says: "Actually I have just come from a meeting with the Anti-drugs campaign members and they would like to discuss the ill-effects of drugs with our students. This is not an indication that artistes are turning to drug abuse, it is just so that we make clear the dangers that they can face and if they decide to follow this path, then no-one can help them."
During the ceremony, Sir Run Run was flanked by this year's Miss Hong Kong winners Mandy Cho, Rabee'a Yeung and Priscilla Chik. Talking endlessly to Mandy, Sir Run Run was full of life and seemed in very high spirits. Whilst playing the games, Sir Run Run was like a big kid as he became very excited and had to be coaxed away afterwards by his assistants and Mandy. Wearing a short skirt, Mandy was very absorbed with Sir Run Run's company and almost revealed herself on many occasions. Later she defended herself saying: "It wouldn't happen, because I have something on underneath! (Were you too busy looking after Uncle Six to attend to your sitting position?) This has nothing to do with that!" When asked what she was chatting to Sir Run Run about, she says: "Uncle Six told me a little about TVB's history and when we were playing Bingo, he was even sharper than me to spot the numbers and he ended up helping me out!"
After filming with Aaron Kwok in his music special recently, there have been rumours that Mandy has become the object of Aaron's desires and he has tried to date her. When Aaron was asked about whether Mandy fits his criteria for a perfect lover, he replies smiling sweetly: "Of course she does, she is Miss Hong Kong after all! She has a good education and a happy personality." When asked if he had given her a lift home, Aaron says: "You said it! We don't really know each other very well so why would I take her home? In truth, her father picked her up from filming. (Did he get in your way?) Don't say that, she is Miss Hong Kong and I care for her as everyone cares for her. (Are you attracted to her?) Of course I am, if I wasn't I wouldn't have chosen her when I judged the contest!"

[Sing Pao, Ta Kung Pao, Oriental Daily & The Sun]
(& pics from Apple Daily)
With the current situation surrounding the Bird Flu epidemic, Hong Kong's government officially banned the import of live poultry from the Mainland. At the blessing ceremony for TVB's "Destinies of the Western Chamber", there were two chickens among the sacrificial food that also included roast pig and fruit, but the master leading the ceremony indicated that they were local live chickens and were totally safe. Nicknamed "Chicken Queen" Kiki Sheung was not afraid at all as she took a whole plate for herself to savour. Is she not afraid of bird flu? She says: "Not afraid! I am 'Chicken Queen', I just went to the roast meat stall the other night to buy half a chicken to eat. Chicken and fish are foods that you cannot be without. Even if I go to China I will still eat it, a lot of things are down to fate! If the chicken is properly cooked, there is no problem. We have to help the chicken farmers, if we don't eat chicken, how will they survive?"
Myolie Wu is also continuing to eat chicken as she says: "I will still eat it and I am not afraid, usually the chicken we eat in restaurants is made from frozen chicken and I am even drinking chicken soup. However I will avoid the white boiled chickens that have some blood in them as I prefer to eat fried chicken more!"
Michelle Ye is more afraid of the bird flu. She says: "With the infection so rife at the moment, I daren't eat it. You see I have little spots all over my face, I am afraid that if I catch the infection then it would be terrible." Talking of her new show, Michelle feels like this is an ancient prequel to "Triumph in the Skies" because working with fellow co-stars Myolie and Ron again takes her back to the previous happy times. She also indicates she will be taking part in the continuation show for "Triumph".
Ron Ng feels that the ban on Mainland chickens is inevitable and he will try and eat less chicken. However he believes in imported chicken from other countries, because if it passes the checks, then it should be okay.
There have been reports in a magazine recently that Michelle Ye has been dating a director, but after filming with him she has left him. In response to this, Michelle says: "How do you know if it is me if they did not mention the name? Don't be silly! It is definitely not me, nothing like this happened and if the irresponsible reporters have evidence, then they should bring it out. If I had done something like that I would admit it." She indicates that she has not read the details because this would make her angry.
The show was filming yesterday until around 4 am with the next session to start an hour and a half later, Myolie, who lives quite far away went back to Michelle's home to rest. However, Myolie was not comfortable in a 'strange bed' and could not sleep, so she just rested. This was not the first time that they have shared a bed, as they have already tried it whilst filming for "Triumph in the Skies" in Hokkaido.
Talking of the filming of the continuation for "Triumph", Myolie feels that it would not be the same without Francis: "Without Sam, there will be no Zoe!" She feels that Francis is part of the soul of the characters and it would be disappointing without him, so she hopes he can find the time to make an appearance.
Fellow co-star Sammul Chan revealed in a radio interview yesterday that as "Triumph" has brought him a rise in popularity, he would like to be part of the show. In his words: "Of course it would be best with all the original cast and crew. I think he worked quite happily with the company. (Are you worried it won't go ahead?) I don't think that it will be cancelled because of one artiste. I will definitely be greedy and take a part, especially if the show will be filming on location abroad again so we can combine work with pleasure!" As for the reports about Francis' reasons for turning down the show, Sammul does not believe the negative press about Francis opting to make 'real money' instead. Sammul also revealed that he will be living his dream to become a pop singer soon as he was signed by an international record company soon after he found fame with his two popular shows last year. He says that the company has many famous stars in its books already and often arranges concerts for them, but as for which company he has signed, it is all still shrouded with secrecy and he will leave it to the company to make the announcement. Sammul's debut album will be out in May or June and as the 4th May is his birthday, Sammul hopes that the record can be released on that date to make it extra special. As for his image, he says he cannot be a bad person, so it will most likely be a 'good boy' with a healthy image.

[Oriental Daily]
Three Miss Hong Kong representatives Rabee'a Yeung, Priscilla Chik and Selena Li visited an old folks' home to offer their new year greetings and play games with the elderly residents handing out lucky packets and presents. When the residents saw the pretty girls, they immediately offered some new year greeting phrases and even added "A house full of children and grandchildren", making the three girls laugh uncontrollably before they graciously accepted the greeting saying: "That's great!"
Over the new year, Selena and her family went to Macau to set off some fireworks as she reported excitedly: "This was the first time I have ever set off fireworks and although they were very expensive - like burning banknotes and with so many people it was quite dangerous, but they were so beautiful and I will definitely go again!" She visited the casino at the Lisboa and looked around, but did not make any new year riches.
Also, Rabee'a and Priscilla who have both been round collecting lucky packets at the new year laugh that they have not counted their lucky money as Priscilla explains: "Our tradition is that we do not open our lucky packets until the fifteenth day." Rabee'a says: "There is a big pile, so it should be quite rewarding!"
Thursday, January 29, 2004

[Ta Kung Pao & Oriental Daily]
Bobby Au-Yeung and Sonija Kwok were filming for TVB's "Golden Egg of Ap Liu" yesterday and the scene told of how Bobby's character had failed with his business and then got caught up in a scuffle in a roadside cafe where he is beaten by a mob. Coincidentally, his character's girlfriend played by Sonija and his son are passing by and see him. Afterwards, he also had to film a scene where he loses his temper and pushes Sonija away. Sonija had jokingly warned him in advance to take care not to touch her 'important parts' as he waves his arms around during the scene. Luckily he managed to complete the scene without touching her and he later laughs: "If I am not to touch her, then I definitely won't!" Bobby's professionalism puts Sonija's mind at rest.
Later, Bobby's screen son, played by young actor Jacky caused quite a few outtakes and they had to repeat the scene nearly twenty times. However, Bobby and Sonija were very patient with the young actor and did not lose their cool and even patiently teaching the child how to do it again, showing their professionalism, even after Bobby had been lying on the ground for nearly an hour. Bobby does not blame it on Jacky and praises him for being really smart usually, in fact, he blames the NG's on himself, saying he became ill during the Chinese New Year period and he has not had time to get checked out, so after a few energetic scenes, he is feeling rather dizzy.

[Oriental Daily]
The continuation to "Triumph in the Skies" is to be filmed at the request of the show's sponsors, but since the reports came out about this show's conception, there have been many other sponsors eager to pay large sums of money to become an exclusive sponsor for the show. After much negotiation, reports indicate that the contract has been won by a real estate company in Hong Kong, but they have also set criteria for the cast, indicating that Francis Ng must be in the cast. Originally, Francis had showed some interest in filming this show, but there are rumours that when he found out TVB stood to make a large amount of money by using his name as a selling point, he was not very happy about this, and as he is currently filming another advertisement, he has turned down the job.
When Francis was called and asked whether he was aware that the sponsorship contract had been won by a real estate company and whether or not he had pulled out of the filming, Francis seemed rather surprised as he responded: "Ha? Really? The reason I cannot film is because I have an advertisement for Sprite in China and I have to film there." Francis emphasises that he had already filmed part of this advertisement contract before he filmed "Triumph" and the results after its release was good, so the sponsors have extended his contract for him to film a fresh set of ads for them. Francis says candidly: "The salary for making adverts is obviously higher, it is all money!"
Despite the popularity of "Triumph" bringing fame to the cast members, it has not brought much in the way of material rewards for Francis. He says: "'Triumph in the Skies' has not brought me any more advertisement contracts, just that the sponsors have won the acceptance of the viewers. I had already negotiated this drinks commercial before the show, so don't think that I got the job because of "Triumph". It is because of this ad that I am not filming the continuation."
In response to this, producer Poon Ka Tak reacts excitedly: "Francis is not that kind of person, he will not be that materialistic. Artistes filming shows for TVB receive a set fee, for the company to then sell the show onto the sponsors is a different policy and a matter between the company and the sponsor. There are no conflicts of interests between the two. This is a sequel and not an advertising feature, the sponsors just buy the commercial break and will have no influence over the production."
With regards to Francis not being able to take time from his schedule to film, Poon says: "We don't know the broadcast date at the moment anyway and the time to film the show will only be about five to seven days. We have to decide the air date before we set the filming dates and I am busy filming my new show 'Family of Five', so I have to complete this before I start on the continuation piece. Of course, I would hope that all the original cast will appear and we will try our best to work around Francis. If we really can't do it, then there will still be many original cast members who will appear and there are many other story leads we can follow."

[Oriental Daily]
"Virtues of Harmony" had a ceremony to open the new year yesterday and Cutie Mui and Louis Yuen were among those wearing masks because of illness. Louis had a fever when he returned home from work earlier, but he has not had time to go and see the doctor. However he points out that he has not eaten chicken or been abroad. As for Cutie, she has a touch of the flu and also neck pain from a previous injury leaving her unable to get up on Sunday. She says: "It was from the anniversary show six years ago when I was doing an item with Louis when I injured my neck through hitting my head on the ground. That morning it was so painful I couldn't get up, so I can't go waterskiing for now and my sister laughed at me saying that I could get in this way sleeping in such a big bed! I replied saying that if there was another person in the bed to do exercises with, then I wouldn't be in this way!"
Although Louis and Cutie both had flu, they had both taken the special medicine provided by Nancy Sit's herbalist, so they were fine. However, for safety's sake, they will not be heading overseas in February and will not be eating chicken. At the event, Nancy continued to hand out lucky packets to everyone generously as she laughs: "I have already handed out the $30,000 I prepared in lucky packets, but it doesn't matter because the more you give, the more you make as long as everyone has lucky packets to give. Once when I gave out less, that year I made less!"

[The Sun]
Rain Li and her mother attended the Chai Kung temple because this year is a conflicting year for those born in the year of the pig, so she came to offer her respects to the Tai Sui God. Rain arrived at the temple for around noon and first bought a windmill to help bring good fortune. After entering the temple, Rain followed the instructions of the temple keeper, offering incense to each buddha in the temple and then praying for a fortune stick. However Rain was a novice and two stick fell out of the tube in her first attempt and she had to try again. Rain discussed her fortune with the reader for a while before performing another ritual to raise her luck and leaving in good spirits.
Afterwards, Rain said: "Every year I will come and pay my respects to Tai Sui, even if my sign is not in conflict. From what the temple keeper says, Sandra Ng comes here every year and managed to win Best Actress with the help of the gods. As well as making offerings to Tai Sui, I have also done a ritual to remove the gossipers and raise the fortunes, so I hope that my financial luck will be better this year! Last year when I was filming, I once only slept for two hours in three days, but my health is still okay, so this year, as well as wishing for more work, I hope that my colleagues and myself will have good health, then the busier we are, the happier we are!"
Wednesday, January 28, 2004

[Oriental Daily, Ta Kung Pao & The Sun]
A group of cast members from TVB's Chinese New Year show "Vigilante in the Mask" had a celebration with the viewers yesterday in an "Ancient Soccer Cup Competition" where the stars including Eddie Kwan, Sammul Chan, Mandy Chiang, Fiona Yuen and Cindy Au played a friendly match against each other to win prizes. Fiona emerged as the lucky winner as her team won the competition and she also won the lucky draw for a pair of golden monkeys worth $2,200. She says that since entering the beauty contest, this is the best present that she has won. Entering the new year, Fiona's fortunes have been rolling in as she also won a golden monkey in another TVB show and she says she will look after her three little monkeys. Reading her fortune earlier, this year will not be bad for her rabbit sign with success in her work and a helping hand: the new year has brought her luck already as Fiona's slimming sponsor has signed her for another year and offered her a large lucky packet bonus of a five figure sum. Although there will be little fluctuation in her love luck this year, Fiona says confidently: "My relationship with my boyfriend is stable and a simple life is fortune."
Cindy Au caught the attention of everyone whilst playing the soccer game as she was wearing high heels and a short dress, making her seem rather clumsy. Cindy explains that she had prepared her outfit a week in advance and although she knew there would be a game she can still run in high heels so this was not a problem. The only worry for her was revealing herself, so she had sports shorts underneath her skirt just in case. Cindy spent nearly $3000 of her lucky money on this outfit and feels that she ate too much over the festive period so she has gained some weight, so she would not take her jacket off for photographs. With her boyfriend Roger Kwok away filming over the new year and not being able to make it back to Hong Kong for Valentines Day, with Cindy having to promote her new show anyway, the couple are experiencing a short time apart and depending heavily on long distance phone calls to keep in touch.
Amid the chaos of the gaming, Mandy Chiang also gained a 'top prize' as she explains: "During the competition before, it was very confusing and I was hit on the head by a male colleague. It hurt a lot, but I didn't see who it was." Mandy says that her lucky packet results for this year was not bad as she reveals that she received around $4000. When asked how much her boss Yeung Sau Sing had given her, she said awkwardly: "Nearly four figures, this is private really I can't say. It is just a token really I am afraid that it wouldn't be very fair to other people if I told."
Adding to the humour of the event, the artistes were made to wear extra big shoes to play the game and Sammul and Kenneth Ma were cheating very badly as they grabbed each other's clothes and used their hands to grab the ball. Referee Chung Chi Kwong had to show his yellow card a few times!

[Oriental Daily & The Sun]
Mandy Cho hosted the opening event for the International Orchid Exposition 2004 and was admiring the exhibits on show and having her photograph taken with the specimen worth an estimated $1bn and attracting a crowd who praised her beauty. Mandy commented that she has not had time to go to the flower markets this year, so she is making up for it now. With recent reports that whilst filming for TVB's Music Special with Aaron Kwok, he has been outwardly courting her, Mandy responds calmly: "I have not read the reports and I don't believe it." Mandy sees this news as just a bit gossip and has no feelings for it, but she praised Aaron for being good-looking. It turns out that she has a wedding scene in the special and comparing this with her last wedding gown shoot, she laughs: "My last partner wasn't as handsome as Aaron!" When asked if she had to kiss him, she says: "No! (Did you wear flat shoes to account for Aaron's height?) Just my normal shoes!"
Also, Mandy has had a rewarding New Year after receiving a big pile of lucky packets. As she was not in Hong Kong in past years, then she has made up for it this year, even picking up Sir Run Run's lucky packet whilst working over the new year.

[The Sun & Oriental Daily]
With the young market of Valentines Day in the spotlight, recent popular stars Ron Ng and Leila Tong have been chosen by a jewellers to promote thier love range of diamond jewellery. As young people themselves, Ron and Leila see Valentines Day very importantly and although they have not revealed their other halves, they both indicate that if they have a lover, then they would give them diamonds as a Valentines day gift because this can represent a feeling of faultless love.
The advertisements will consist of a series of still photographs along the classic themes of walking on a beach and a romantic meal.
Tuesday, January 27, 2004

[The Sun]
(Pic from Apple Daily)
Don Li and some of the young actors in new series "Family of Five" have their birthdays in January, so yesterday, Jessica Hsuan and Joe Ma arranged a small birthday party in the studio for them as every child received presents and lucky packets, it left Jessica a little envious! "Joe and I are still very young! Just not as young as them! Why don't we get presents?"
The 25th of January was Don's 22nd birthday, so he laughs that he has received double lucky packets: "At the new year, everyone gets lucky packets and I get an extra one for my birthday, so it is quite rewarding!" Jessica on the other hand daren't take lucky packets as she laughs: "So old now, I shouldn't force people to give me lucky packets! Moreover I am getting rushed into getting married now, but I tell them to keep waiting!" Joe reveals that he will be filming for the continuation piece of "Triumph in the Skies" next month as producer Poon Ka Tak indicates that the script is still in discussion stages, but there have been suggestions for "Triumph" to be translated into English so that foreigners can also enjoy the show.

[Oriental Daily & The Sun]
Recently, Hong Kong's weather has been continually cold and Shirley Yeung was filming for "Golden Egg of Ap Liu" with Ellesmere Choy yesterday in a wedding scene. Earlier because of the thin costumes, Shirley couldn't bear the cold and suffered from numb and cramping limbs and as a result the crew took her to hospital to seek medical attention.
Although she was unwell, Shirley still bore the cold, wearing a strappy wedding dress for her scene. She seemed a little lifeless and pale and told of the earlier incident: "When I got to the hospital, my arms and legs were so cold that they were numb. The virus was quite bad and I was quite ill that evening. The atmosphere at the hospital was quite horrifying because the patient in the next room was receiving emergency treatment and died in the end. The family were very upset afterwards."
When Shirley was asked if Gregory Lee was pained to see her unwell, she says: "Of course he was worried about me, he drove to the hospital to pick me up that day." When asked if she has asked for sick leave from the company, Shirley says: "I was going to take the day off that day, but because of the location, I couldn't take time off and had to do the scene. I was worried about catching a chill again today, so I am wearing three pairs of trousers and two warm packs together with a down jacket to keep warm." Shirley laughs: "Ellesmere and I had to film a kiss scene earlier and he laughed I was giving him the 'kiss of death'."

[Ta Kung Pao]
In order to raise her relationship luck with the audience, Tavia Yeung visited the flower markets this year and bought some peach blossom, but she spent the three day new year break sleeping, so she did not collect many lucky packets. She laughs: "I lost out this year! I didn't even go and pick up a big red packet from my friend's parents!" As well as receiving lucky packets, she has also been handing them out for the first time this year and she hopes to be able to continue giving them out every year because this indicates she has made money.
At the moment, Tavia is filming for "Water Margin Infernal Affairs" and she will be working together with her sister Griselda. She smiles: "We have already worked together in 'Vigilante Force' and I feel that having sisters working together is quite fresh as the best thing is she can help me rehearse my lines! (Will you be teaching your big sis to act?) I will, because she is less experienced."
As for her show "Vigilante in the Mask" averaging only 23 points and peaking at 28 last week, is Tavia disappointed? She smiles: "At the new year, many people have gone away, so this is to be expected. The company just hopes that the show can make the viewers happy."
Sammul Chan also feels that the exodus of people over the holiday period means that this is an acceptable ratings result and he hopes that it will pick up later on. When asked if the ratings would be affected by the relative inexperience of the lead females Tavia and Mandy Chiang, he praises Mandy for her hard work and comedic skills.
[Ta Kung Pao]
With news of Yammie Nam receiving treatment for psychological problems, many people are sighing over her tragic story. Having studied together with her at the TVB acting classes, Eddie Kwan felt sympathetic after reading the reports of her news, but they have never really worked together. Eddie says: "Everyone has different pressures. Women maybe want a home and family, men want a strong career. They take different steps in life and have different ways of letting off steam, but the most important thing is to be able to relax. My relaxation method is to spend time with my family."
Although Deric Wan does not know Yammie, he is also very sympathetic to her situation. Talking of the recent mediocre results for his show "Vigilate in the Mask, he says that he has been filming series for nearly twenty years and he no longer thinks about the ratings issue. He will just do his own job well and memorise his scripts. As for the new year, of course he has been to visit his mother-in-law-to-be and bought his girlfriend some of her favourite cookies. However, she was busy filming, so she has not had time to go and visit his family yet. Having recently converted to Christianity, Deric has decided that he will be baptised towards the end of the year.

[Ta Kung Pao & Oriental Daily]
Ada Choi and Dayo Wong were filming in Central yesterday for 'Stand up Sleuth' and they attracted the gaze of many tourists who even crowded around Ada making comments and leaving her a little embarrassed. Yesterday's scene involved Ada chasing Dayo and scolding him and walking down towards the Landmark. As they NG'ed many times and the lines were long and emotional, after the filming, Ada felt a little faint. During filming, many people gathered around to watch and some of the crowd were new year tourists who couldn't stop staring at Ada. When asked if she felt that they were annoying, Ada laughed: "Not annoying, but I felt a little embarrassed because some people started tugging at me and pushing me. They were quite close and I was worried that someone would want to try and kiss me, if they did that I don't know if I should reward them with a slap! I am most afraid when they grab hold of your arm."
Ada's slimming company sponsors earlier employed Anita Mui in their adverts and after Anita's death, a mysterious CD-ROM has emerged suggesting there were financial conflicts between them. In response to this, Ada says that she has not read the related reports and not seen the contents of the CD, so she will not comment. She has worked with the company for four or five years now and has just recently renewed her contract. They work under the terms of the contract and there have been no other matters to deal with so she is comfortable working with them. She says that she has known the boss for a while now and find her quite nice, intelligent and honourable.
Dayo had three days off for the new year period, how did he spend them? He reveals that he spent two days visiting and one day sleeping, so he did not waste the time. Yesterday was the third day back at work for Dayo after the new year and it turns out that he has not been to Central for five or six years, so returning this time, he is rather moved, because in the past, he did not have enough money to go to Central all the time, now that his financial situation is okay, he has no time. Talking of the crowds for yesterday's filming, Dayo says that he will not find it hard to get into character, but being watched by several hundred pairs of eyes does give him a rather strange feeling. 'Stand-up Sleuth' will finish filming at the end of February, and Dayo reveals he has not yet planned his next piece of work, so he will take a break first.

[Ta Kung Pao, Oriental Daily & The Sun]
Patrick Tang and Rain Li were at the wishing tree in Lam Village earlier and the two wrote their wishes onto a charm in the hope that they will come true. Patrick indicates that he hopes his new album "Moving in" due out in February will do well because he has not released an album for a while now. As the release date approaches, he is becoming more and more nervous because he does not want to disappoint his long awaiting fans. Patrick says that he has put a lot of effort into this album and a whole year, so if he gets out what he put in, then it will be the best New Year present.
Rain wishes for good health and everthing to go well for her family and also hopes her own wishes will come true and her career moves smoothly. Rain has also wished for her colleagues, meaning that one charm was not enough for her to write everything on!
When it came to throwing the charms into the tree, Patrick managed to complete it with one throw, but Rain had a bit more trouble over it, finally resorting to seeking assistance from Patrick to complete the task.

[Sing Pao]
Following in the line of chargeable Satellite TV services, TVB announced the opening of five channels on the Milky Way Satellite system, named exTV at a press conference yesterday as the TVB enterprises Deputy Managing Director Chan Chi Wan disclosed the details after a lighting up and connection ceremony.
The five pay-to-view channels include three new channels in addition to the existing TVB8 and TVB Sing Ho, which will be introduced to Hong Kong viewers for the first time. The new channels are TVBN (24-hour TVB news), TVBE (Entertainment channel) and TVBQ (Children and Family viewing). TVBE will be launched on 2nd February, showing "Fight for Love" from two years ago that was never aired on the main channel. The stars from the show including Fiona Yuen, Patrick Tang and Wong Pui Ha were at the press conference to lend their support. exTV will begin test airing as of today and will be officially launched on 18th February.
Mr Chan also reveals that TVB has bought in some controversial shows from the mainland, such as "Running to Communism" and will be repackaging some of the classic TVB shows such as "Hong Kong 1981" and the first Miss Hong Kong pageant to air on these channels, so it will be cutting down on repeats on the main channel, replacing them with new productions such as documentaries.
Yesterday was the fifth day of the new year, traditionally unlucky, but TVB was not afraid and went ahead with the press conference. Mr Chan says he is not worried about superstition as he has been working through the new year. The broadcasting regulations indicate that you cannot sell from one arm of the company to another so as not to breach competition rules, so TVB's series will have to wait at least a year after first airing before they can be shown on the new channels.
Monday, January 26, 2004

[Sing Pao]
Wong Tai Sin is a god who is renowned for answering one's wishes and is often filled with incense offerings, especially at the beginning and end of the year. Although Miss HK winners Mandy Cho, Selena Li and Priscilla Chik studied abroad and have very western personalities, spending their first Chinese New Year back in Hong Kong, they have taken advantage of the break to go and offer incense to Wong Tai Sin and also kneel as they request a fortune stick.
The fortune reader tells that Selena will be the first to find romance as her 'Phoenix Tale' stick number 100 is a good reading and indicates a change of fortunes from having nothing to having something, suggesting there is happiness to come; Mandy's good luck fortune was also good and the reader indicated that she is 'fussy' with choosing a boyfriend as she wishes for a charming and talented man, but he praises her eyes for being pretty and indicates that someone will be there to help her along. As for Priscilla, her fortune is 'Kong Ming borrows an East Wind' - success first time, so she will need help from a friend to find her love.
Mandy says that this is not the first time she has tried the fortune sticks and each time she has a happy result. Her attitude is 'if you ask, you must believe'. The reader says she will have good relationship luck this year, so she will be looking out for the men around her. When asked if she would like to get married, she says: "I'll leave it to destiny, I haven't dated for a year, but I feel that work and love can co-exist. I am becoming more and more interested in this industry, but if someone comes along, I will give it a try because I will not give up love for my career."
Selena and Priscilla are both 'roosters' and this year they have good relationship luck. As this can also represent relationships with audiences, this should indicate success in showbiz and as they both hope to make a career in the industry, they will need to build good relationships with the viewers. They are both working hard on their careers so they both say that love will be left to fate.
Many people say that as a beauty queen, it is easy to find a rich husband, but Selena feels that the more handsome and rich the person, the less faithful they are. What are her criteria for friendship? She smiles: "They need not be rich, the most important thing is to be ambitious. Depending on their family means that they do not treasure what they have, they will only be a true man if they depend on themselves to buy cars and apartments. Of course, the appearance should not be bad and they have to be able to join me for dessert!" It turns out that she loves her desserts and if her partner does not like dessert, it doesn't matter, but he has to be able to accompany her as she laughs that she cannot set her standards too high for fear of never finding a boyfriend.
Priscilla has never dated anyone before, so she is very happy to hear she has good relationship luck this year. She says: "Relationships can also refer to that with the audience and I am still young, so my career is more important. Moreover I have only just started working, so I will choose to do my work first and hope that it goes smoothly." In the past four years, she has been studying in Toronto, but she does not mind having to work through the new year this year. She is happy that she can collect lucky packets by saying "Happy New Year!" to everyone. She did not have much family in Toronto, so this year, her lucky packet income is a record high!

[Sing Pao]
Chiu Chow kid Steven Ma's family does not have the tradition of visiting at the new year, so he has always had a lot of freedom at the new year. When he was younger, after eating the family meal on New Year's Eve, his parents would take him to an aunt's to eat 'Ham Cha' (Salty Tea) until this aunt passed away and he was no longer able to eat it any more. However, he has sorely missed this traditional food from his origins.
Last year, when Steven mentioned this story to TVB's hair stylist 'big sister' Tai Kuen, he found out that her sister-in-law knows how to make 'Ham Cha' and offered to make some for him. This year, Steven remembered the recipe to make this dish and tried to prepare it for himself to relive the feeling of the past. As the put a spoonful of Ham Cha into his mouth, he could only say: "I am speechless, it is too delicious!"
As Steven cooked the dish, he seemed very au fait with it and it turns out that his father looks after the cooking at home, but he has managed to absorb some of his skills and cooking is no challenge to him. He still remembers that in the early hours of bygone New Years, his parents would fry up some prawn crackers, but he didn't know the meaning behind it. Also, every year, his father would stew a big pot of squid and pork that they could go and eat at any time during the new year. "My father made a pot this year too, when he went to buy the squid, the stall owner was curious as to what he was making. As well as squid and pork, the other ingredients are winter mushrooms and lettuce." With his father doing the cooking, as well as watching, Steven's other use was to make soup dumplings. His favourite food is savoury soup dumplings that are filled with winter mushrooms, pork and dried shrimp, then put into boiling soup. he feels that this soup is the most delicious.
"In the past, in the morning of the new year when I woke up, I would kneel and present tea to my mother and father to greet them. On the second day, we would eat Muli cake and New Year cake, but now we are all grown up, when we see it at home, we will already go and eat it a few days before the new year." Steven then suddenly adds: "As we are Chiu Chow people, my father would put a cup of strong Kung Fu Tea down to drink, but now he does not do that because they are busy and we have not learned how to do it and the tradition will be lost. However, my father does buy flowers to decorate the home. This year we did not buy any peach blossom because the petals fall all over the floor. We did buy some narcissus and in the past we have bought chrysanthemums and gladioli, but now my family are not interested."
As Steven does not want his father to work too hard, they ordered a 'basin banquet' for the end of year meal together with a couple of extra dishes that his father likes such as chicken and squid. After six months of working away, Steven is happy to be able to spend the occasion in Hong Kong with his family.

[Summarised from Sing Tao Daily]
Benny Chan and Charmaine Sheh have been linked in many rumours and recently there have been reports that the two have been engaged, but they still deny their relationship and say that the reports are untrue. However on the third day of the new year, they were spotted touring Macau appearing low profile and not wanting to be seen. At around 3pm, the pair were spotted in Fook Lung Street in Macau. They were not holding hands and there was another male with them. From the eyewitness reports, Charmaine was wearing pink trousers, a woolly hat and shades and was very low key so as not to attract attention to herself.
When asked about the incident by reporters, Charmaine's manager indicates that Charmaine cannot be contacted and therefore is unclear about the incident. As for Benny's manager Mr Lam, he indicates that Benny will be staying with his family in Hong Kong for the new year and suggests that the chance of the two being in Macau were not high: "From what I know, Charmaine had to go to America for the new year so she could not be in Macau."
Also, when Benny was interviewed by Cha Siu Yan, he revealed that he lacks self-confidence so he would like to keep his personal life private. Talking of his relationship with Charmaine, he says that they are still good friends and this has not changed. He says that he has been followed for the past few days and he has not seen Charmaine, suggesting she should be in Hong Kong.

[The Sun & Oriental Daily]
Julian Cheung and girlfriend Anita Yuen spent the new year break together, visiting the flower markets and when asked if they have been rushed into marriage by their families, Julian says: "We will not talk about these things, just go with the flow." Seeing the economy awakening with the new year, Julian has intentions to buy an apartment as an investment, but he makes clear that his finances are very separate from his girlfriend's and the apartment will not be a joint purchase.
Filming yesterday after the new year break with Tavia Yeung for "Water Margin Infernal Affairs", the cold weather has made Julian wrap himself up warm and after several late nights he was a little weary for the early morning shoot. He reveals that after finishing filming this series in March, he will need to get some rest and he may be heading overseas for a holiday. He laughs: "I am planning to learn to dive, combining leisure with the ability to 'lose the press'!" [Em: 'Diving' in Cantonese slang can mean going incognito.]

[Oriental Daily]
Sharon Chan appeared at an event in Tai Kok Tsui yesterday and was quizzed by reporters about whether she had been to boyfriend Matt Yeung's home for the new year, making her seem rather awkward. After more questions, she revealed that although she and Matt had split up six months ago, they are still good friends and she has been to his home to visit over the new year period. Sharon and Matt dated for three years and she says that they had some personality clashes whilst they were dating. Also she felt she was giving too much to the relationship and not concentrating on her work. Together with the passing of her father, leaving her as the breadwinner of the family, she had to focus on her work and not on love, so after a discussion with Matt, the two have both decided to concentrate on their careers, but have not ruled out getting back together again in the future.

[Oriental Daily]
After becoming top male at TVB in the year of the goat for his role in "Square Pegs", Roger Kwok is currently filming in Hengdian together with Eric Tsang's daughter Po Yee in "Sor Wong Chong Tin Ha". Despite being unable to head back to Hong Kong to be with his family and girlfriend Cindy Au for the new year, Roger is not lonely as he went out on New Year's eve with the crew for a celebration, visiting the local flower markets and enjoying the atmosphere. He says: "The atmosphere here is a lot better than in Hong Kong because anytime anywhere you can hear the sounds of fire crackers, drums and gongs. All the shops close for the new year, so people here will prepare all their reserves in advance and this is quite unusual for me."
As the weather in Hengdian is rather cold, with temperatures falling below zero, Roger laughs unimpressed when he hears it is only ten degrees in Hong Kong: "Ten degrees is nothing, Hengdian snows every night and it is especially cold in the morning. At first I wasn't so accustomed to the weather being so cold and I couldn't warm up even with a few layers of clothes, but now I am used it it and just a coat is enough to keep me warm."

[The Sun]
With many advertisement contracts behind her, Myolie Wu was filming at TVB City yesterday and although she is not yet married, she had still prepared a pile of lucky packets to hand out to her colleagues to thank them for their assistance. Myolie says: "I made a fair amount last year, so I have prepared some lucky packets for everyone. This is the first time I have handed them out and the feeling is quite good fun!" When asked if she had been to her boyfriend's home for the new year, she says: "I have been working for several days on the run, so I haven't been visiting and anyway, it isn't a tradition in his home! I hope that in the coming year there will be less gossip and more work. I also hope that I will no longer be referred to as upcoming, because I feel I am already there, the hard part is staying where I am!"

[Oriental Daily]
Big kids Myolie Wu and Timothy Wong joined in the carnival at Tin Ma Lam on Chinese New Year's day for some fun and hoped for a good scream on all the exciting rides and send away all the unhappy things from the last year.
As the two big kids saw all the spinning and turning of the rides, they became rather excited and began to study which would be more fun, but when they saw the colourful soft toys on the way, they decided to warm up first as Timothy claimed that he would win a prize for Myolie. Unfortunately after a few attempts, he returned empty handed.
Having studied abroad, Myolie loves the excitement of the rides, but with her age increasing, her courage is decreasing and she daren't go on any of the strongly rotating rides any more, as she would be sick afterwards. No wonder she sighs that she is getting old!
As for Timothy, it turns out he has a fear of heights, but he still decided to go for it and ride on the big wheel and roller coaster, proving that he loves to play. However when it comes to work, he will become very serious. Although he has only been in the industry for a few months, Timothy is being heavily promoted by TVB and in this short time, he has been filming series and hosting. At the moment, he is an ambassador for TVB pearl and he hopes that that new year will bring him opportunities to try other work, such as in the musical arena, where his biggest wish is to compose songs and allow people to see his musical talent.

[Apple Daily]
Myolie Wu and her junior Timothy Wong were wearing Chinese style clothing yesterday in Central to celebrate the new year. Myolie reveals that her income has risen highly this year, but she is pinning her hopes on the success on "Dreams of Colours" to steady her hold on a top TVB position. Myolie had a fortune conflict last year, but was still able to make great progress and obtain advertisement deals. Myolie says on a telephone interview: "Last year, I did a few ads and together with the success of 'Triumph in the Skies' I had a lot more events and I earned a lot more than the previous year. I hope to keep that going this year. I hope that my series ratings will be good this year, so I can keep my position stable. I filmed 'Net Deception' and 'Dreams of Colours'. I have seen the edits from 'Dreams' and I am confident in this show."
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