Saturday, September 13, 2003

[Ta Kung Pao]
TVB's "Ying Hung Do Siu Nin" (Find the Light) was running a promotion in a shopping centre yesterday but because the more experienced stars Damian Lau and Maggie Siu could not make it, the focus was left upon newcomers Shirley Yeung and Bosco Wong. However the other stars such as Law Lok Lam, Lee Ka Sing, Kuk Fung and Lau Kong were there to help out, playing games with the audience and handing out presents to the public who left totally satisfied.
Whilst playing a game to build a fruit bowl, Lee Ka Sing accidently cut himself and left to be bandaged up, later he explained that the gloves were too slippery causing the accident, but luckily the cut was not deep and on his left hand and the knife was clean so he did not need a tetanus injection.
Bosco Wong has been in the business for over three years and this show is his first leading role so he is quite nervous as he says modestly: "This time, with Damian Lau's help I hope that the ratings will be in the thirties." Entering showbiz in '99, he reveals that at the time he had thought of changing jobs because he didn't have many roles but in the end he stayed on and is beginning to see some fruits of his labours. His first target is to buy a new apartment for his family to live in and although the property prices have fallen, he is still a little way off his budget and needs to carry on working hard.
Shirley Yeung has been rumoured to be dating Gregory Lee for a long time now and his mother Sze Ming has openly invited her to their home for the Mid Autumn festival for dinner and a lantern party. However Shirley had to work that day and could not make it. Shirley says: "I was going to give some mooncakes to Auntie as a gift, but she said not to. (So why didn't you send a fruit basket instead?) That's my fault for not being able to improvise."
Although she could not make it to the Mid Autumn festival, Shirley has been to the Lee family for dinner before and has tried Lee Ka Ding's cooking as she praises: "I would never have though that a martial artist like him could make such delicious food and have so much knowledge about making soup, treating his ingredients like treasures. (Have you cooked anything for Master Lee?) No, because my cooking isn't that good."
After Shirley ended her reign as Miss Hong Kong, her series have been continuously one after another and she has been extremely busy, what type of role does she want to try? She reveals that she wants to be Lady Yang, but she would need to put on more weight for this and anyway Anne Heung has already played this role so she doesn't think she will have the chance. She says: "When I was studying, I went to see the Silk Road and dressed up as a Mongolian woman to take photos. I felt their headdress was very pretty and hope that I can play a Mongolian girl."
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