
Tuesday, September 23, 2003

[The Sun]

Steven Ma lost his mother to nasal cancer some years ago and left a shadow in his life and was worried he may have inherited the same condition after experiencing nosebleeds earlier, but after being checked out he is fine. However, the heavens seem to be playing tricks on him as he finds his younger sister has developed breast cancer and he is worried for her health.

At the beginning of this month, Steven revealed happily that his elder sister had given birth and he was uncle for the fourth time, but who would have thought that not long after the good news, he receives the nightmare that his sister has developed breast cancer and he is devastated. Known throughout the circles as the filial son, Steven has in the past encouraged many sufferers and their families and published a book about being the relative of a patient that tells of some moving experiences, but offering encouragement, but now the cloud of cancer strikes his family once again. After Steven found out about his sister's condition, his mood has been low and it is his sister's determination that is comforting him in return. She will be undergoing two operations to stop the spread of the cancer cells and is currently receiving treatment as she vows to fight the illness with her determination.

Although Steven is busy caring for his sister, he has also had to perform at the Fujian Television's anniversary show that attracted many loyal fans who all wanted his autograph. Among them, one fan accidentally poked Steven in the mouth with her pen tip, cutting him slightly before he was whisked away for treatment by the crew. Steven was not angry because he knows that the fan didn't mean it and it was all an accident.


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