Sunday, September 07, 2003

[Ming Pao]
Damian Lau and Shirley Yeung's new show "Ying Hung Do Siu Nin" (Find the Light) has been sent out to rescue the situation as it takes over from "Princess Pearl 3" in the 8pm slot as of Monday and they appeared in a promotional event yesterday. Damian laughs that they should thank "Princess Pearl" for allowing their show to be aired early because he will not be in Hong Kong soon. As for ratings he will not give himself any pressure, because he is just interested in the performance.
Shirley Yeung has been accused of 'playing big sister' in the filming of "Nameless Angels 3D" and when asked about this, she says that she had no such intentions and NG's cannot be avoided. It wasn't that she forgot her lines, but she just wanted to make it better.

[Ta Kung Pao] - Additional
A group of artistes from the new show "Ying Hung Do Siu Nin" (Find the Light) including Damian Lau, Shirley Yeung, Bosco Wong, Ron Ng and Leila Tong took part in a promotional event yesterday. This show is being aired early because of the disappointing ratings of "Princess Pearl 3" but it would appear that the appeal of the mainly newcomers may not be that great.
Damian praised Ron Ng's performance in the show at the event, saying that he is not too worried about ratings. He says: "As an actor, the most important thing is to play your part well so after it is finished there is no stress, it is during filming when there is stress." As for the show replacing "Princess Pearl" Damian says that this will not add pressure. He smiles that bad news must be faced but he is happy that the show is being aired early and says he must thank the 'princess'.
Taking on the lead for the first time, Ron Ng responded to claims that his pull is not great enough by saying that being a newcomer is something everyone has to face, but as well as a bunch of fresh faces, there is also Damian and other more experienced actors. He admits this is his first leading role and feels both happy and nervous and is worried about ratings. As for Shirley, she does not agree with the lack of pulling power because there are a lot of seniors in the show such as Damian and Maggie Siu, so it cannot be said that it is not attractive, maybe the new faces will bring a fresh appeal to the viewers.
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