
Friday, September 05, 2003

After Sonija Kwok has started dating with Deric Wan, her negative press has been endless with the latest rumours that Deric has been buying feminine products for her. Yesterday, she appeared in some sexy clothes at a press conference for a cosmetics company [with fellow spokesperson Moses Chan] and in response to a fortune teller's explanation that her thin lips attract gossip, Sonija hopes that she can change her luck and the rumours will go away.

At the event, the company invited geomancy expert Mak Ling Ling to read Sonija's fortune and she says that because her lips are thin, this will easily attract gossip and to change this, she should make her lips a little bigger with make up. However, Sonija believes that as her relationship with Deric settles down, the rumours will also slow down.

As for reports that her boyfriend has been buying tampons for her, Sonija jokes: "Really? Is he buying them for himself because normally I only use the feminine products that my mother buys for me, this news is quite amusing!" When asked whether it is because her boyfriend is too careful for her and knowing she has run out he is helping her to stock up, Sonija says: "I know that he is a very caring person, but buying it as a present for me? I really don't know!"

Faced with negative press, Sonija knows how to deal with it calmly as the most important thing is to be happy herself and she will not care about what everyone else says, although in response to reports that their relationship has been a little unstable recently, she says with conviction: "We are very stable."


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