
Saturday, August 30, 2003

[The Sun]

Maggie Cheung appeared at an evening reception showing off the ultimate in feminine beauty as she donned a ten thousand dollar Gucci outfit, showing off her back and showcasing her breasts and catching all the limelight. When asked if she was afraid of revealing herself, Maggie said: "I have already done all the preparations at home with tape, so it is very safe."


[Ming Pao]

Maggie Cheung appeared at the event wearing a close fitting black Gucci dress and she indicated that she had already prepared to prevent revealing herself: "This is the limit for my sexiest outfit and I have added tape to prevent showing myself. (Is it purposely to show off your beautiful figure?) My state at the moment is at its best, compared to when I entered Miss Hong Kong, I feel better mentally than I did then and I also have my own style of clothing and not as 'potato' as I was then." After her breast enhancement, Maggie indicates she no longer has a boyfriend, but she has plenty of pursuers and she is just following her destiny. After she show, Maggie left with Shirley Cheung and the other friends.


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