
Friday, July 04, 2003

Sonija Kwok, Patrick Tam and Timmy Hung were filming for "Nameless Angels 3D" in Happy Valley yesterday. The weather was very hot and humid yesterday and Sonija's mother was at her side, pouring water for her daughter and fanning her. Sonija indicates that her mum likes to visit her on set, but it is hard work, especially when filming ancient shows, so she stops her mum from coming along, because it really is very difficult on location.

Earlier during a "Better Halves" promotion, Mui Siu Ching was unhappy at people not appearing at promotions, later saying that she wasn't hinting at Steven Ma, pointing the spearhead at Sonija. Regarding this, she says: "I don't think I need to respond to this, Siu Ching has already explained that she wasn't referring to anyone in particular."

The filming yesterday was about Patrick Tam getting drunk and urinating on the street where he meets Sonija , later Sonija appears at his workplace to get her own back and finds him asleep on the sheeting outside. Sonija wakes him up and shocked to see her appearance, he runs away.


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