
Thursday, May 29, 2003

After receiving treatment for his appendicitis, Gallen Lo left hospital accompanied by his wife and looking well. He says that the doctors told him that he was lucky to have caught the infection in time so it was not life threatening. Gallen was concerned that upon his return from Beijing he would be discriminated against in the hospital, but this was not the case. He says that his temperature was taken three times and he had a precautionary chest x-ray, but the hospital staff were extremely caring and friendly and he cannot stop singing their praises. He says that he has a scar about one inch long and he is waiting for that to heal and for a check up next week.

During his stay in hospital, Gallen's wife has been by his side looking after him. Has this made him treasure her more? He says that not only when you are ill, but every day you should be grateful for the people beside you. When asked whether his good friend Jessica Hsuan has been in touch, he says he will have to check his mailbox, but he has received many emails with good wishes from his friends.

Gallen says that whilst working in Beijing, there are many measures in place to fight against SARS. For example at immigration and also at the studio there are constant temperature checks and also in the streets are random temperature checks. The situation out there is quite serious.


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